Friday, April 16, 2010

she's a pretty girl day 1

So…I’m beginning something that many have told me to do…well…rather have told me to write a book…but I have decided to start small…blogging. Many of my closest friends…who know me the BEST…tell me on a regular basis…you have GOT to figure out a way to do the whole worship thing with stand up. Not sure how that really pans out in the long run…but in the mean time…I shall share my funny stories and ramblings throughout my week…hoping to bring much joy and laughter into your lives. I don’t think you could ever have enough of that…even the Bible talks about joy, laughter, cheer, goodness as medicine for the soul (check out Proverbs my friends).

The title of my blog might make you think I’m conceited or self-absorbed. Not at all. Quite the opposite. In fact, I find I’m misunderstood by most because my second language is Sarcasm. Have you heard of it? Anyways…growing up…although VERY dark headed…I would get myself in these predicaments that others might call “Blonde Moments” (sorry to all you blonds out there). I have a horrible problem of spacing out when someone is talking…think they call it day-dreaming…man…isn’t it pretty outside today? Wonder if I have some time to walk around Southlake Townsquare after work before going to work out. SEE??? Happens to me all the time! But what happens is I try to jump right back into the conversation right where I left off…not realizing that everyone else has moved on to something else, yet I blurt out something. Case in point.

At the dinner table with my family and a bunch of friends. We happen to mention Disneyland and how they pride themselves in being one of the cleanest parks in the world. About this time I space out, help one of my “nephews” with something (Drew-man I LOVE you and miss you!). My family goes on talking about how the trash cans are spaced every 6 ft in order to have trash cans readily available to anyone at any time. Not realizing my dad has JUST said this…I jump back in and say, “Don’t they have trash cans like every 9 feet or something?” The ENTIRE table goes quiet and gives me THE LOOK. This look is best described as shock + you are retarded + exasperation which my dad lovingly used to coin the term, “She’s a pretty girl!” I don’t think I’ve mentioned low self-esteem is not allowed in our family. :)

So, now you know my dirty little secret. I have “pretty girl” moments almost every day of my life. Or least some of the most bizarre situations occur to me that only I could get myself into. My friends and family get a big kick out of it…or either get mildly frustrated…just depends on how big of a “pretty girl” moment it really is. Hope you enjoy…and hope to bring you MUCH laughter and joy in this crazy thing we call life.

“She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” Proverbs 31:25


  1. I haven't even finished reading this, but I was SO excited to see you blogging that I had to comment. I'll be back and comment again after I read it. LOL

    Love you!

  2. I LOVED it!!! I can't wait to read more!

  3. thanks my have no idea how much that means to me!!! :)

  4. thank you so much!!! LOVE YOU!
