Thursday, April 29, 2010

happy 60th birthday daddy!

I’m taking a small break from the funny to take time to honor the most important man in my life, my father—Gary Miller. Today he turns 60 and I am spending the day with him celebrating him. So…instead of giving you 60 reasons why I love him (which I could do…but didn’t want to overwhelm you) I shall give you 30…that is how long I have known him and these are in no particular order:

1. He is the creator of the phrase, “She’s a pretty girl” (can’t remember when it started…and I’ve lost count of how many times it’s been said)

2. He is truly the funniest person I know. Nobody makes me laugh harder. I get my sense of humor from him.

3. He is the GODLIEST and most REAL person I know.

4. I am who I am today because of his strong influence in my life.

5. He has always been the most attentive father. We colored together, went on daddy-daughter dates together once a week (still try to make that happen as much as possible to this day), rode bikes, flew kites, double-feature movies and he endured many a horrible voice recitals just to see me.

6. He pushed me to be who I am…even when I fought him tooth and nail! Thanks for making me finish college! :)

7. He is an amazing pastor, preacher, teacher, evangelist, writer and so much more! I am amazed at the way he makes anyone and everyone around him welcome. He leads people to the Lord all the time by just being him.

8. He is a man’s man! Nothing femmy about him in the least!!! And he doesn’t pussy-foot around issues. The older I get…the more I have learned to appreciate this…there need to be more men like that out there!!!

9. He is a romantic at heart. The way he loves my mom is such a sweet example of what I want in a husband.

10. He is a lover and a fighter. He knows when to stand up and when to turn the other cheek. I’m still learning in this area. :)

11. He is amazingly creative!

12. He gives the best hugs—sometimes words aren’t necessary—you just need a hug. Every break-up has always included a hug and going for ice cream.

13. When words are needed—he has the best advice.

14. He is a prayer warrior!

15. He has my back—always!

16. He’s not afraid to call me out…and I appreciate this.

17. He is one of my very best friends. My family knows me better than most anyone and I genuinely love spending time with them.

18. He is so very humble and proud at the same time.

19. He is an impeccable dresser and knows fashion. One of the things I love most about him is he knows how to speak my mother’s love language, gifts! He loves to buy her shoes. And he loves to bless my sister and me as well when he can.

20. I love how he has embraced my friends, and when they didn’t have a daddy, he took on the role.

21. He is so wise. He has the perfect balance of biblical wisdom and common sense wisdom. When I can’t come up with the answer on my own—go to Dad!

22. He is an amazing father and husband.

23. He always put family over church. I grew up a PK (pastor’s kid), but never ever felt the church came before us, which, by the way, is why most PK’s rebel. I never needed the attention or the need to rebel because I needed my father’s attention. In fact, short story. When I was in 2nd grade my dad started taking my sister and me out once a week for breakfast before school. We each had our own day…just him by ourselves. I don’t think he’s able to eat McDonald’s to this day. We would spend about an hour just asking each other questions, what’s your favorite color, what do you want to be when you grow up, etc. One morning, on my day, my mom let me know my dad had to leave for an unexpected early morning meeting. I was disappointed, but was assured Dad would take me another day that week. Later that morning, I got called out of class and my dad was in the hallway waiting for me. Man alive I thought I was in trouble! Nope. He got down on one knee, looked me in the eye, told me how sorry he was that he missed our morning appointment, that it was inexcusable and would never happen again, then asked for my forgiveness. WOW! And it never happened again.

24. I love his laugh and I love to make him laugh.

25. He is a man of integrity and character.

26. He is so very strong! When others around have given up…he has continued the fight!

27. He started me on “my foffee” (coffee) addiction at a young age (3) much to my mother’s frustration (she detests coffee). So our little game would be to drink “foffee” and then go give mommy kisses.

28. He taught me what true ROCK ‘N ROLL is!

29. He tells the best stories. As a kid, every night before bedtime, in order to get me to sleep (I was a night-owl even then), he would make up the most FACINATING stories about “Princess Ashley” and they always left you hanging, until the next night.

30. He introduced me to Jesus and I have never been the same since.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the most amazing father in the WORLD!!!

Your… “pretty girl” :)

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