Friday, June 25, 2010

dog-sitting and chick-fil-a

I’ve lost the funny…well…kinda. I don’t think you ever lose it…I just think it gets suppressed sometimes. Anybody feel me?!?!

Unfortunately, no “pretty girl” moments…however, my uncle did text me last week to inform me my previous post was made even funnier by a misspelled word. Instead of saying “spatially-challenged”, I said “specially-challenged” in the first paragraph. Wow...what the power of a couple of letters has to change a word…gotta love it! I didn’t change it…gives the story even more character…right?!?!

And I’ve also had some pretty insightful revelations these past two weeks. Between visits to Chick-fil-a (free Spicy Chicken Sandwich…holla!) and dog-sitting, I have however learned the hard way I am not ready for a family quite yet. Dog-sitting has revealed I don’t like checking in with someone and I don’t like sharing my bed with somebody larger than me…I’m on the right track…ehhh??? And Chick-fil-a…wow…I have anxiety just thinking about it right now. From the moment you walk in the door it’s a Germfest Convention for barefoot two year olds with sticky fingers in there…yikes!

Don’t get me wrong…I can’t wait to meet the man of my dreams, in fact, Britt (roomie) and I were talking about the new song, Airplanes (B.o.B and Paramour chick), that has a line in it that says: "Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars because I could really use a wish right now." So in that moment, we saw an airplane and she said, “What’s your wish?” Without even thinking about it, I popped off with, “I wish to be romantically swept off my feet.” She just sat there for a moment and said… “Wow, I really like how you worded that.” So you see, I want what every girl wants, but I know it all happens in the right timing…and well…with other factors…

Dealing with…well I don’t have a lady-like word right now and Mom will STILL wash my mouth out with soap...let’s just say dealing with less than gentle-manly men has made me even more firey and ferociously passionate about praying in godly men. Between run-ins with Gym Boy (BTW I deleted that post for reasons I may share at some point) and some very real and honest conversations with others has made me realize there are way too many godly girls out there…WAY TOO MANY…who are single and have their junk together but have yet to meet an equally-yoked match, and unfortunately, they are not here yet. I do not mean that as a slam to my guy friends, but it’s just strictly a numbers thing, the good girls out-number the good guys. So what that means is it’s my/our duty to pull out some James 5:16 and deal with the issue by praying the good ones in or the bad ones good...more on that at a later date...and no, I am not endorsing "missionary dating" so go ahead and put the tomahawk down. :)

Right now God has me in a completely different season, and as much as it cringes me to say, I’m sure somewhere down the road I will be a part of the Germfest Convention at Chick-fil-a. In the mean time…I shall enjoy the drive-thru and preparing myself for that day…it’s gonna take a lot of prayer, mental preparation and anti-bacterial for this OCD girl…

PS: Post coming soon from my run-in with Maria at McAlisters’s (yes, I know them by name just as much as they know me by name): “Ash-a-ley…why aren’t jew married?!?! Jew hab to hurry and hab chillren…are jew taking jour bitamins?!?!”

1 comment:

  1. Darn it! I'm so behind. I totally missed the gym boy blog! You'll have to tell me about that.
