Tuesday, May 18, 2010

stiletto in the...head

This particular instance happened on Mother’s Day. We had just spent an amazing day with my parents, celebrating my mom. They came in town and we took my mom shopping, then they came over to our house and we grilled out—we bought our first grill (I feel so grown up now!). I’ve also decided my parents need to come over more often so I can have a cleaner house on a regular basis. Either that, or hire a maid. Haven’t decided which.

Anyways…after my dad put the grill together for us (hey, I said I FEEL so grown up), we enjoyed a nice dinner then decided to head to see Robert Downey Jr., I mean, Iron Man 2. Great movie by the way. We got there 30 minutes before and picked out great seats. Now, one of my greatest pet peeves is people who show up late and then come and sit near or around us and talk loudly—oh, and people who bring their loud whiny children. Good news, both happened in the same theater. Now, let me give you a little bit of background on my family and movie theaters. Not sure what it is, but these types of situations always, always seem to happen to us and threats of, “Let’s take this outside,” seem to make an appearance as well. All we wanted to do was go see a movie…is that so bad?!?! (PS by the way, there will be a post coming soon of my involvement in a particular theater exchange not so long ago…I’ve had to build up to it).

So this particular instance, we’d been there sitting, waiting, laughing and enjoying ourselves. The previews finally start, and we put our feet up on the seat in front of us because the theater is HUGE and hardly anyone is there. Next thing I know, this kid jumps from our row, over the seats in front of us and yells at his buddies that these seats are better and plows down in the seat in front of me. And I mean, PLOWS. I’ve never seen someone sit down so hard and fast before. Only problem is, I don’t think he saw my foot there (and I didn’t have time to move it) and my stiletto NAILED him in the back of the head. Guy jumps up in pain and starts throwing a little bit of a fit and then my dad has to step in and defend my honor, and then the guy leaves rubbing the back of his head not knowing what hit him. In the mean time, my sister has her face covered and has made a vow to never go to another movie with her family again—whilst my mom and I couldn’t stop laughing and my dad’s blood pressure has risen to a dangerous level. Ahh…good times…good times. So hey, who wants to go to a movie tonight?!?! Any takers?

"she's a pretty girl" in stilettos

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