Saturday, May 8, 2010

happy mother's day

I know…I know…two serious blogs within two weeks of each other. Allow me this one thing. So today I’m honoring the most important woman in my life…my mother… my hero…Dana Miller.
  1. She has stared breast cancer in the face and kicked it in the butt—all while remaining stylish. February 24 we celebrated 1 year! She’s the only person I’ll wear pink for.
  2. She is adventurous and daring…and I love having a partner in crime! We have a goal of one day participating in The Amazing Race.
  3. She is a mighty, mighty prayer warrior! If this woman is praying for you…fire falls down! In fact, every single one of my friends over the years has been prayed for by her on a daily basis. I have heard numerous times, “Ok, I’m adding them to my prayer list.”
  4. She has this eerie sixth sense. Discernment doesn’t even begin to describe it! Used to drive me CRAZY as a kid because I couldn’t get away with anything—but now as an adult—she calls at the right time and knows when she’s needed. It doesn’t matter how old you are…moms just know what to say at the right moment.
  5. She is the epitome of beauty, grace, class and style.
  6. I love fashion, shoes and shopping because of her—“Beauty is pain, baby” started at a very young age. She is still hands down my favorite shopping partner. It’s amazing all that you can accomplish in 8 hours in one mall with an Orange Julius.
  7. She is not just my mother, she is my best friend. A day very rarely goes by that we don’t check in with each other.
  8. She is wise, she is beautiful, she is strength. She is Proverbs 31.
  9. The way she loves, supports and respects my dad is such an incredible example to me—it has shown me what a godly wife is all about—I have some big shoes to fill one day.
  10. When my friends haven’t known a godly mom—she stepped in and “adopted” them as her own. I love that my friends call and text her and want her wisdom and advice. In fact, they’ve learned when I’m telling them about a situation or circumstance and I’m unclear of what to do, they always say, “What did your mom say?”
  11. Her text messages make me laugh. You have to know short hand in order to read them. But it doesn’t matter…if I see, “n Js nm amn” (in Jesus name amen)—that means I’m being prayed for.
  12. She is oh so very strong! She is a rock! She has endured and endured and continues to come out of the fire radiant.
  13. I love that she is firey, independent AND godly! She taught my sister and me at a very young age not to get caught up in girl drama and to not be afraid to be ourselves. It hasn’t been easy…but she was so right! And my favorite thing is there isn’t anything my dad would change about her…he LOVES that she is strong. I love to watch my parents interact. They may drive each other crazy with both of their quirks…but they are still as in love with each today as the day they were married…if not more!
  14. She saw my love for music at a young age and embraced it. We would sing and sing and sing together—and she went out of her way and sacrificed so I could be in piano and voice lessons. I’m sure she lost several pairs of shoes over that. ;)
  15. She began praying for me when I was in her womb…and knew even then the calling God had placed on my life and began fanning that into flame. In fact, I have a letter from her the day I was born (down below).
  16. I realized just 2 years ago what life might look without her…and it scared me. I needed her, I wanted her, I had so much to still learn from her! I am thankful to God for that wake-up call and that He has healed her and she will experience many, many more years on this earth passing on her wisdom not only as a mother, but a grandmother! I have learned…don’t sweat the small stuff!
  17. She has been my hair dresser for 30 years. No one else has touched my hair, and it shall remain that way. Thanks for putting up with me! :)
  18. She is amazingly creative. What she can do with paint, a sewing machine and a pair of scissors is beyond me. She made most of my wardrobe growing up and most never knew. It looked better than store bought.
  19. She is a mighty warrior. Do NOT cross her man or her baby cubs…Lawd have mercy! But she never enabled me. If I was wrong in an area…I was called out, corrected yet loved.
  20. She is an amazing teacher, pastor’s wife, event coordinator, planner and the woman knows the Word of God! Beth Moore ain’t got nothin’ on her!
  21. I am the woman I am today because of her godly example and influence.
  22. She is an amazing wife and mother.
  23. She taught me to be comfortable in my own skin and to laugh at myself.
  24. She doesn’t think she’s funny—but she really is. But better yet…if you can get her to laugh…then you REALLY know it’s funny.
  25. She can still take me down. Yes, literally. One swift move and my feet are out from underneath me and I’m lying on my back wondering what in the world just happened. It’s usually due to certain words not allowed in her house.
  26. Even in my worst season of life—she loved me unconditionally and never walked away from me. She likes to say, “I always loved you…but I didn’t really like you during that time.”
  27. She has made every special occasion in my life a big deal. She is my biggest fan and supports me 100%. She is the best cheerleader! You still have those high school moves Momma!
  28. She is a giver and continually sacrifices for those around her. She has never once competed, complained or wanted to live vicariously…but only wanted to celebrate other’s successes.
  29. She is the picture of forgiveness, grace and patience. I have so much to learn from her.
  30. She began praying for my salvation, my calling and my husband while I was in her womb. We’ve seen two out of the three…C’mon Momma…keep praying down fire for number 3! :)
"Ashley, our first little girl was born in December. The day after she was born they woke us up about 7:30 in the morning with Christmas songs playing over the intercom. The hospital was all decorated and the spirit of Christmas, plus a new life was overwhelming.
As I held her in my arms, I realized really for the first time how much God must love us. He sent Jesus a little baby to grow up and die for me. How much love He must have for us.
Then, I thought of Mary. How she must have felt knowing Jesus was Holy, the Son of God. What was going to happen to this little life who had come from her body? "She pondered on these things." He would never really be hers. She would have to let go. He belonged to everyone, but mostly to God. OH! The responsibility that lay ahead for her.
But then, I realized Ashley isn't ours either. God has just entrusted this little baby to us for a while. WOW! The responsibility.
Dear God, sweet God in heaven,
How much you love me I'm not sure, but it has to be more than I can comprehend. You have loaned this little person to me for a short while. She has no knowledge of You, or of anything yet. She is my little mission field. May I write across her mind what you desire.
Show us how to discipline and train her. May she grow into the young lady you desire and died for her to become. May she see you in me. Show me how to be the Godly Mother she deserves and You desire. I want to always walk with You and be sensitive to her. Show me her strong points and how to build her confidence and make them stronger. Open my eyes to her weak points and to have the wisdom to show her how to accept and overcome them through Your time and changing.
Father, I pray for her Salvation. Please let her ask You into her heart just as soon as she is ready and understands. And Lord, if it is Your Will for her to marry, I lift up that husband to be, wherever he is right now. Grow him into a Godly husband and Spiritual leader. Prepare each of them for the other even now Lord.
Thank you again for this new little life you've entrusted and loaned to us. But thank you most of all for Jesus, who was perfect and never deserved what He went through for us. Amen"

Happy Mother’s Day to the most amazing woman in the whole world! You are my hero! I am so very grateful for you and I love you so much!

“Her children arise and call her blessed;” Proverbs 31:28

I hope each of you have an amazing mother’s day!

“she’s a pretty girl”


  1. Absolutely wonderful post honoring your mother!

  2. I love it and agree with it all. Dana Miller, my sister-in-love, I love you!!
    Of course I think you are pretty great too, Ashley!

  3. thank you ladies!

    i think you're pretty great too aunt joy! :)
